Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kg Bakok

I found some old pictures of our mission trip to Kg Bakok. These pictures were taken from a trip that was made a couple of years after our first trip(think first trip was back in 2002 or 2003). I'd always remembered the first trip we went in to this village. The place was ill equipped. There were no toilets ready - save for a shack with 3 pieces of zinc as a makeshift wall and a hole in the ground.  The first five of us who went (Uncle Vincent, Gary, Ivy, Sai Hoong and myself) had a memorable and wonderful time getting to know the people there, establishing our ground work with our limited language capability.  God certainly has His plans for His people in this place for the entire work grew by leaps and bounds and till this day, we are still serving Him in this place.

This trip was made many years after the first trip - i think back in 2006. We went in with another cell group and it was a good mix of old and young group of people.

 The old "living room" space where we worshipped and slept at night.

Singing songs with the children as soon as we arrived. Some children are still on the way here as they've just heard that we've arrived.

The villagers- building a new place together for worship, ala "gotong royong

The infamous river - the Bakok children like to bring us here to have a fun bath time together! We'll come with loads of shampoo & shower gels for the kids.  

Lesson time - usually a short parable and a song after that.

More song sessions.... yup, the children there loved to sing! And, my, they can really sing!
They could memorize the lyrics by heart!

Fun time - we taught the children simple jump rope games (made of rubber band)!

Lesson time - this time outdoor style as the adults are occupying the space for their Sunday worship session. 

The "sanctuary" for adults to worship ..... usually the adults will occupy this space on Sunday mornings and we will take the children to the outdoors.

One of the great finds ~ a unique flower given by the children~

Lesson and song time

Distributing sweets at the end of the lesson....

All of us together now!

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