Monday, May 23, 2011

It's a jungle out there!

OMG! It’s a scene right out from jack and the beanstalk, except in this case, it’s more like “ahmad and the pokok kacang” and the stupid beanstalk isn’t leading to anywhere good. Look how messy the backyard is? How can they allow this to happen? Just because they are renting the place does not mean they can get away with the responsibility of keeping the backyard clean, tidy and ultimately safe. Their solution is to simply never open the back door and venture out to the backyard! Out of sight, out of mind! Almost anything and everything grows and lives there now. Snakes, small squirrels, ants, lizards, rates and a whole host of disgusting creepy crawlies. Aren’t they worried about safety especially when there’s a baby in the house? Oh gosh, I could almost scream at them for being such irresponsible and ignorant neighbors. But, I feel so helpless. All I can do now is to tirelessly keep cutting and fending off the crawlies from invading my home. If only they could take up the responsibility to keep their own backyard clean.

Messy ... messy... messy

where did it begin and where does it end? Horrible, creepy crawlies!

Living with inconsiderate neighbors are darn trying and taking my patience to its limit. Not only do I have to endure this irresponsible immediate neighbor who do not care about what happens to their own backyard, I also have to contend with one neighbor who lives two doors away and who sets up a Burger Ramly stall right in front of their house! Now, this was a shocker as the family are evidently well to do, owns a Toyota Harrier, a Kia and MyV. So, we really didn’t think that they will need this extra cash by selling burgers. But, whatever their reasons to start this business, as neighbors we accommodated graciously. Ok, so first we had to put up with the incessant burger smell every day. Then, they started to discard heaps of trash under a nearby tree next to my immediate neighbor’s house. That’s too much! I mean logically since my immediate neighbor’s house is famously messy, no one would complain about the additional pile of rubbish in front of their house, right?

unsightly pile of rubbish 

Eekkk!! Wrong!!!! “Melampau benar!!” How can people be so uncivilized? I mean, let’s face it. People would normally expect these people to be considerate and civic minded, after all their “agama” preaches much of these. Then why does this happen? Is it just pure selfishness? Clearly, they possess a mentality that it’s OK to mess up and dirty up other people’s place but not my own!

What about authorities? Is there anyone we can complain to? Who can help instill some moral and civic consciousness into these people? Is there a possibility to take legal action against them? I don’t think they even have a legitimate license to operate the burger stall to begin with. Surely there must be someone who can help us? Heck, these neighbors are really driving me crazy… I hope it’s not too late to teach these people some civic mindedness!!

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