Friday, May 27, 2011

when the going gets tough

I heard so much complaints from so many people recently that if I haven't known better, I would have thought that the world was one huge bleak and sorry place to be. People complain about the rising cost of living, their lack of material posessions, their jobs...the list is endless! Yeah, times are hard now but is complaining about how tough things are getting on the best way to deal with it?  I would like to believe that the best way to overcome the tough times is to be optimistic about things. To think positively despite the negativity. To be creative with the limited resources that we have.  To be prudent in our spending and wise in our decisions.  Of course, there're old habits to break and new habits to learn, too.  I know as I'm going thru my own major adjustment - from a working person to a stay at home wife.  Honestly, it was not an easy adjustment but all it takes is perseverance and a whole lot of faith in God for providence.  I'll like to think I'm still a work in progress but am glad to go through this with the right attitude.

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